Innovation Village for Young African Minds is a pan- African youth led social entreprise aimed at finding working solutions to complex community problems through profession merge.Founded by Tapiwa Prosper Chimbadzwa, Stuart Nyakatswau, Nomore Mutsengi, and Lilliosa Mugadza in 2018.IVYAM is legally registered as a trust under Zimbabwean laws. IVYAM operates as a dynamic African village structure, connecting individuals, firms, startups, incubators, and accelerators to transform groundbreaking ideas into tangible solutions for community development.
A community that fosters academic-industry collaboration, youth innovation, and climate change resilience.
Inspire young people to take collective action, build bridges between academia and industry stakeholders for sustainable, and environmentally conscious development.
- Innovation: A smart approach to complex challenges.
- Integrity: Transparency, honesty, and dependable interactions.
- Teamwork/Partnerships: Collaborations that deliver impactful results.
- Entrepreneurial Skills: An agile, dynamic, and innovative problem-solving mindset.
- Value Creation: A commitment to adding value and responsive benefit creation.
Our Approach
- Creating new business opportunities in high-tech sectors
- Fostering entrepreneurship and incubating innovative companies
- Generating knowledge-based companies and jobs
- 4. Building attractive workspaces for emerging talents
- Enhancing synergy between industry, government, academic, and research institutions
- Advocating for sustainable environmental management
- Promoting hands-on engagement in waste recycling and management
- Championing eco-friendly technologies, inventions, and businesses.
Thematic Areas
IVYAM encourages active participation through community engagement projects. This is done through initiatives such as tree planting, clean-ups campaigns, policy formulation and implementation dialogues, position papers, community training on sustainable…
IVYAM aims to strengthen the collaboration between academic institutions and industry sectors to support youth led initiatives that address local challenges and foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. This…
At IVYAM, we recognize the urgent need to educate and engage young people on the critical issues and emerging challenges causedby  climate change and biodiversity loss. The primary goal being…